5 ways to improve your Well-being

Woman lying in grass smiling

When was the last time you paused to consider your well-being and what does it mean to you?

Wikipedia describes well-being as “a general term for the condition of an individual or group, for example their social, economic, psychological, spiritual or medical state”. It explains that people’s “well-being develops through assessments of their environment and emotions and then developing an interpretation of their own personal self”.

Well-being is often perceived as a subjective experience, based on satisfaction of the past, optimism for the future, happiness and contentment in the present. “It involves a sense of self-fulfillment, which is the feeling of being happy and satisfied because you are doing something that fully uses your abilities and talents” (Merriam-Webster).

1. Discover your life purpose

When people feel as though they have a purpose in the world they feel like they belong and they matter to society. Fulfilling your purpose in life is one of the most rewarding things you can do for yourself, you may find this comes through your work or perhaps through volunteering or raising a family.  My own well-being has been increased immeasurably since starting my journey as a Holistic Therapist, 15 years ago. I feel very fortunate to work with wonderful clients and helping them to improve their health & well-being gives me a great sense of satisfaction and fulfillment.

2. Connect with like-minded people

The feeling of connection with others is also a contributing factor to well-being. Joining a local network or community group is a great way to meet like-minded people and develop your shared interests. Having people around you that understand and support your journey can help reduce loneliness and encourage you to develop at a faster pace with more ideas and motivation.

Women networking using a laptop
Join a local network or community group

3. Focus on the positive

People often assess their own well-being in relation to their environment and the lives of others around them. Well-being is also subjective to how they feel other people in their environment view them, whether that be in a positive or negative way. It’s easy to get into the habit of comparing yourself and your situation to others, but experience has taught me that we never truly know what may be happening in someone’s private life and their situation may not be as rosy at it appears to be! Try instead to appreciate all the positive things in your life and express gratitude to your loved ones, which will in turn attract more good things your way, and increase your sense of well-being even during difficult times.

4. Find your happy place!

The quality of life of an individual and society is dependent on the amount of happiness and pleasure, as well as human health. Discovering what makes you happy and gives you pleasure is time well spent, when it comes to improving your well-being. It could be something as simple as a walk in the countryside with family or friends, having a relaxing holistic treatment; such as a massage or reflexology, or visiting the theatre.

Woman having massage
Treat yourself to a relaxing massage

5. Practice regular meditation

Learning a skill such as meditation is a valuable investment in your physical and mental well-being. In his book, entitled Meditation, achieving inner peace and tranquility in your life, Brian L. Weiss states “the deeper that meditation takes us, the further we move away from the level of everyday consciousness (encompassing frustration, stress, anxiety and worry) and the closer we draw to our higher self, with its capacity for love”. I teach meditation techniques and clients have often remarked how it has helped them to feel calmer and able to deal with stress and relationships in a more positive way.  There are also some great apps now available such as Calm and Headspace to help you practice, even if you’re away from home.

I work with local clients to help them set goals to improve their health and well-being, using a combination of complementary therapies and wellness coaching. Clients undertake an initial wellness assessment, where we review aspects of their well-being such as quality of sleep and stress levels. Based on these results I develop a personalised treatment plan which will help them achieve their goals resulting in tangible improvements in their health and well-being. This approach works particularly well with clients who’ve been suffering with a chronic health condition or have a specific goal, such as wanting to start a family or improve their energy levels.

If you’d like to try a holistic approach to improve your well-being, please contact me to book your wellness assessment. You can also find out more about the therapies I offer by visiting my Facebook page. I look forward to hearing from you!

Holistic support for grief

Girl crying on friends shoulder

Grief is a challenging issue that many people in society are facing on a daily basis. It is a sad fact of life that we all have to deal with sometimes overwhelming emotions, and most of us need extra support at these times to process the thoughts and feelings relating to our loss of a loved one.

What effects can grief have on our body and mind?

Our bodies may take some time to heal and the effects can manifest in over-stimulation of the adrenal glands, panic attacks, breathing difficulties or digestive problems. The tension and imbalance grief can cause in the body are not to be ignored and the immune system may suffer a temporary dip, as the client will not have the same resistance to infection.

How can holistic therapies support people encountering feelings of grief?

Working with a supportive and understanding therapist can provide clients with a safe and nurturing space in which to gently heal. I recently worked with a client who was a long-term carer for her late husband. Following his death she had been receiving counselling from a local hospice, alongside holistic treatments with me on a regular basis. Despite a good support network of family and friends she was struggling to process her emotions and had been experiencing a degree of emotional numbness, which resulted in her return to work being somewhat stressful.

However, using Reflexology to support her bodies emotional response and calming the adrenal glands, combined with Reiki to remove energy blockages within the heart chakra, I am delighted to report that she made good progress. She often discussed the benefits of combining counselling with physical therapies to aid her recovery and we worked closely together to ensure she was being kind to herself and to let the process happen at just the right pace for her.

If you, or anyone you know, is struggling to come to terms with grief, please get in touch either through my website or Facebook page, to discover the benefits of holistic therapies for yourself.

Top tips for a calmer life in 2015

Carsington Water in Derbyshire

Trying to live life to your full potential can be immensely fulfilling and provide you with a wonderful sense of achievement and satisfaction. It can also be utterly exhausting! Juggling family and relationship responsibilities along with work commitments or running your own business in today’s information age, can take its toll on your health and state of mind.

It’s no wonder that meditation and yoga are so popular as we all try to quieten our minds and achieve the ultimate feeling of balance in our lives. I have been working with clients for 15 years to help them improve their health and well-being through regular holistic therapies. Here are my top tips to achieve peace of mind by living a calmer life.

Create an attitude of gratitude

When did you last stop to count your blessings? Being grateful for the people and things in our lives, as well as our health and talents is an important step towards achieving serenity. It reminds us of all the resources at our disposal and encourages us to take positive steps forward in our lives.

In his book, entitled It’s the Thought that Counts, Dr David Hamilton states that research has shown, “thoughts of appreciation, care and compassion can smooth the rhythms of the heart and elevate the immune system”. It is evident, therefore that demonstrating compassion for others and showing appreciation not only generates good feelings in other people, but is actually good for our health!

Be more mindful

Eckhart Tolle said, “Realise deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life”, in The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment. When we are more present we are less inclined to focus on feeling regret about the past or worrying about what the future may have in store.

Try being mindful and experiencing appreciation the next time you eat a meal. Feeling grateful for the food on your plate and savouring each bite will not only make it taste a lot better but it will increase your enjoyment and leave you feeling more satisfied.

De-clutter your space

When our environment is untidy we can find it harder to concentrate and think clearly about the tasks ahead. Spending a little time each week organising your space and clearing old paperwork can free your mind to focus more easily. It will also help you to feel happier and appreciate your surroundings more.

Set yourself bite-sized tasks such as sorting out a draw or tray at a time, so that you don’t become overwhelmed or tempted to procrastinate. You’ll quickly feel the benefit and satisfaction from having a clearer work-space and being able to find things more easily!

Invest in your wellbeing

One of the most common pieces of advice I give my clients is that if you are responsible for other people; either as a carer or parent or professionally as a nurse or teacher, it is vital that you take care of yourself first to ensure you can be there for others. In the event of an emergency on a plane, we are reminded to fit our own oxygen masks first and the principle is the same in life.

I regularly invest in taking care of myself so that I can be strong and well to support my clients to the best of my ability. Supporting yourself may include building relationships with people in your situation, having a regular massage or reflexology treatment to reduce tension and balance your body or simply taking time out to read a book or a short break away to recharge your batteries.

Spend time in nature

One of the best ways I find to relax and recharge is by visiting a favourite beauty spot, such as Carsington Water in Derbyshire (featured image) or my local nature reserve. Many people find being around water and green spaces helps them feel calmer and more grounded. The next time you have a big decision to make or a personal issue to resolve try going for a walk in the countryside to give yourself time and space to work through it in your mind, whilst being in an open, nurturing environment.

I hope you find the advice above helpful and I’d love to hear your thoughts about what helps you to live a calmer life? For further information about the holistic therapies I offer, you can visit my website or get further advice and offers on my Facebook page. I look forward to hearing from you!